aperto Accommodation facilites
대지는 남북으로 넓은 삼각형의 형상이다. 서쪽에 위치한 전면 도로에서 완만하게 시작하는 경사는 내지의 북동쪽 꼭지점에서 정점에 다다른다 단지의 지형에 순응하며 배치된 숙박동은 자연스럽게 대지에 안착하며 서측에 위치한 골프장과 저수지를 조망한다. 모든 숙박동이 프라이버시를 보호하면서도 전면 조망을 갖도록 유닛 타입과 배치를 세심하게 조율하였다. 이탈리아어로 '열린'의 뜻을 갖는 아페르토(Aperfo)는 단지 전체의 구성과도 맞닿아 있다. 아페르트는 5가지 타입의 단독형 숙박 24동과 리셉션동으로 구성된다. 전체적으로 단일한 외장재료로 계획하여 단지 전체의 동일성은 유지하면서도 각 타입별 숙박동이 공간적 특성을 가진다.
The site has the form of a wide triangle from north to south. The slope that starts gently from the front road in the west reaches its peak at the northeast corner of the site. The accommodation buildings, arranged in accordance with the topography of the complex, naturally settle on the site and overlook the golf course and reservoir located on the west side. The unit types and arrangements were carefully coordinated to allow all accommodation buildings to have a front view while protecting privacy. Aperto, which means 'open' in Italian, is also connected to the composition of the whole site. Aperto was planned to have 24 buildings of separate accommodations of 5 types, and a reception building. It was planned with a single exterior material overall to maintain the uniformity of the entire complex, while each type of accommodation building was designed to have its own spatial characteristics.


Type A

Type B

Type C

Type D

Type E

More Gallery
Type : Architecture
Location : Jangseong-gun, Jeollanam-do, Republic of Korea
Program : Accommodation Facility
Site Area : 8,935 ㎡
Building Area : 2,224 ㎡
Gross Floor Area : 4,226 ㎡
Building to Land Ratio : 24.89%
Floor Area Ratio : 36.94%
Building Scope : B1 / 3F
Design Period : 2021. 06 ~ 2022. 12
Construction Period : 2023 ~
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